Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Son Was Born a Gymnast

My son was born a gymnast. He was so still in the womb, I was constantly afraid there was something wrong. My first pregnancy I carried a boy who never stopped moving. They switched at birth. My oldest after birth was content to sit for hours and play beside me as I folded socks. My second son came out with two pushes and was not content to sit still, ever. Before he could even sit up, he would roll and roll till he hit a wall or something else he could not move and then roll the other way till he was stopped again. The first time he crawled he went out the nursery door, across the hall and down an entire flight of stairs before I could even react. I screamed in horror, and his reaction, when he landed at the bottom was a smile. Till I freaked him out by screaming, then he cried. It was not his last trip down the stairs or up the beds, over the crib, under things, over things, life was often seen by him upside down because he would stand on his head.

When he was two or three years old, my mom put him down for his nap, came back to check on him later and he was not in his bed. He was not in his bed, he was not in his room, he was not in the hall, he was not as far as we could tell anywhere in the house. We looked for what seemed like forever and were beginning to panic, the pattern with this child you will see is... panic. We went to his room one more time, before I could begin to dial ALL the emergency numbers, and heard a sound. It was a little giggle, and then another one. I looked, up, yes, up.

And there sitting on the top of the door was my son. Grinning from ear to ear and beaming with great pride and joy, not that he was able to climb an 8 foot door, no, it was I gotcha. The years that followed were full of stories much like this, whatever he could climb, jump, flip over, that was him. When you wanted to find him, you looked up. He was just built differently, from the first day. Life was full of challenges, that had to be met head on.

There was no fear, except from me. I remember the day I realized I had to let it go and came to understand that it was not my job as a mom to change him, but to figure out why he was made that way, how he could use it for good and how we could both survive. We were at my oldest sons' baseball practice and I was nursing my daughter and suddenly heard a scream, followed by shouts of "whose child is this?" I looked up to see, my son at the top of the backstop fence. I placed my daughter in her car seat, walked over to the fence, asked my son to please come down and proceeded to go back to my chair. I was met with a barrage of comments from bystanders including, "what kind of a mother are you?" I turned and said, "the kind that knows that all kids are unique and yelling at one at the top of a 18 foot fence will likely do more harm than good." I determined then and there to find something, where my son would feel at home, be safe and not feel like there was something wrong with him.

So the journey began. We tried, football, soccer, baseball, fencing, cooking, art. In baseball they had to catch him at third base because he wasn't suppose to steal home. In football, he would line up and then do a backflip just before the hand-off. In soccer a summersault usually came with throwing in the ball, front flips to do basketball, you get the picture. Then it happened, we moved and one day I found my son and the little girl next door sitting up on the basketball net. Her mom came across the yard, looked up and said," Its time to get down." No panic, no shock, no "what is my child doing up there with your child?" Her daughter had always been this way, the solution, gymnastics. I was thinking... padding.

I called around and found several places that wanted to see him. They led him out onto the floor and put him in the team group, so he could try out. He was almost nine years old, as I sat there some people asked about my son. They were quick to inform me that at nine, he was really too old to start this type of sport. I watched, he was not able to do the flips they way the rest of the boys could, but he sure did try. In fact there was not anything that he wouldn't try. He climbed the ropes, he ran, he jumped, he flipped... he smiled. When it was done, my husband and I walked over to meet one of the coaches. I held my breath, I just knew that his would be so great for my son, but would they see what I saw? Was I fooling myself? Maybe it was too late. The coach shook our hands, smiled down at my son and then said, "we would love to have him on our team." I am not completely sure how to tell you what my mother's heart was feeling, but it was a lot like gratitude, a little peace and whole lot of joy. I watched him everyday grow more in love with the sport and with each day become content, happy, and excited. He found friends, and a place to belong, who doesn't want a place to belong?

It would not be honest to tell you we lived happily ever after, because gymnastics is a hard sport. It requires every muscle in your body and hours and hours of training. We have had our ups and downs. Gymnastics like many sports can be a hit or miss depending on the day. Unlike other sports, you only get one chance in front of the judges for a few seconds to show them what hours and hours, sometimes years, of doing the same skills over and over has taught you. And as you propel your body into the air end over end and if your feet are not pointed the right way or you bend your knee, after flipping 2 1/ 2 times, they will deduct. The judges will point out each way you missed the mark of perfection and the coaches will tell you too. But, if you ask my son if he wants to quit, even at the lowest moment, he still says no. He won state and regionals for level 5, the second year he competed, then went to level 7, won state and regionals and we are now in level 9. As I write this I am at the Men's Jr. Olympic Nationals, awaiting the competition to begin. I do not know if this will be a good day or a bad one, what I do know is that there is no other place my son would rather be and for that, I will sit here, cheer him on and tell him that he is a champion to me no matter what the score says. My son was born a gymnast and I am grateful to be along for the crazy ride and grateful that I am his mom.

Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   How It's Possible to Get Started With Handstands   

A Robotics Gymnast Coach, Is It Feasible With Today's Technology?

While watching the 2012 Olympics in London on NBC I was wowed by the performance of the US and Chinese athletes in diving and gymnastics, along with the freeze frame shots of the dives, vaults, and floor exercises. It occurred to me that we could easily design a computerized robotic coach which would analyze, judge, and grade not only events, but also work as a coach in practice offering strategic advice to help the athletes better themselves, and I hate to say it, but the robotic system I am envisioning would be even better than the human eye, or a human coach. Let's talk.

You see, there was an interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal recently titled; "My Life as a Telecommuting Robot - Meet QB-82, A Skinny Robot With Bad Wi-Fi Problem, Testing the Boundaries of Remote Worker" by Rachel Emma Silverman published on August 8, 2012. Okay so, go to Google Images and search "QB-82 Robot" and then come back to this article if you will.

Now then, can you see how a robot like this could work autonomously, collecting video, analyzing the athletes in practice. All the video would be downloaded to the cloud for later review by the athlete. Once the athlete made perfect scores on various dives or gymnastics routines, let's say 10 in a row, then they'd be able to advance to the next set of tougher routines. The robotic system could play back in freeze frames, explaining to the athlete where they went wrong, based on position recognition, head angle, and how their feet, hands, and body were placed each step of the way.

Okay so, what if we had one of these robots in every single high school in the country, or every gymnast school, ballet school, diving school, and at specialty summer camps? We'd have an Olympic team which would sweep every event from figure skating to ski jumping, and from archery to pole vault. Why wouldn't we invest in this? We'd keep the computer scientists busy on worthy applied science projects, and help anyone and everyone who wanted to excel in their sport the tools they need to up the ante and take it up a few notches.

Imagine the USA winning all the gold medals even though our nation only has 325 million people to China's 1.4 billion citizens to choose from? I'd say that would make a huge statement for team USA. Let's make it happen! Indeed, I ask that you please consider all this and think on it.

Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   How It's Possible to Get Started With Handstands   

Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions

What competitor would not want to show off their best abilities during a competition? Generally all individuals involved in any competitive sport which involves a trampoline prefer competition springs, so they provide the optimum level of performance. Equal performance opportunity, long-term durability, and increased bounce height are all reasons that professionals recommend competition springs.

Competitive activities and/or sports involving trampolines prefer competitive instead of recreational because they provide a fair performance opportunity. It is possible for recreational springs to over stretch during a competition because they are not designed to withstand the force that competition are produced to handle. Competition springs are produced with a thicker wire to resist force. They are also designed at longer lengths to combat over stretching. The performance provided by competition cannot be obtained with recreational springs.

Due to the design and material used to produce competition springs, they provide the highest possible bounce. The extensive length of the spring grants the jumper deeper penetration, which results in the jumper going higher in the air. Professionals recommend DR competition springs for jumpers who are most concerned with going higher in the air. These springs provide half the tension of a recreational trampoline spring, supporting deeper penetration.

Please note that competition springs are recommended for experienced jumpers only. Standard size for these types of springs is 10.25 inch.

Before you place the order for this, you need to make sure that you measured the length of the trampoline springs. The length includes the hook so when you are taking the measurement of the spring you need to make sure that you have included the full length including the hook. Replace over stretched or loose springs to make mat tense, in result to get the jump higher.

Trampoline springs can be separated into two main categories i.e. recreational and competition.

Recreational trampoline springs mainly used by families in their backyard and these springs comes in various sizes such as 10 inch, 9 inch, 8.25 inch, 8.5 inch, 8 inch, 7.5 inch, 7.25 inch, 7 inch, 6.5 inch, 6.25 inch, 5.5 inch, 4.375 inch, 4 inch and 3.3 inch.

Popular Performance Trampoline springs are Competition 10.25 inch GME and Competition 10.25 inch DR. These competitive types of springs usually made to be more bouncy especially for the Competition and events.

The main differences between recreation and competition are the quality of the material used, and the tension of the springs.

Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   How It's Possible to Get Started With Handstands   

Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions

What competitor would not want to show off their best abilities during a competition? Generally all individuals involved in any competitive sport which involves a trampoline prefer competition springs, so they provide the optimum level of performance. Equal performance opportunity, long-term durability, and increased bounce height are all reasons that professionals recommend competition springs.

Competitive activities and/or sports involving trampolines prefer competitive instead of recreational because they provide a fair performance opportunity. It is possible for recreational springs to over stretch during a competition because they are not designed to withstand the force that competition are produced to handle. Competition springs are produced with a thicker wire to resist force. They are also designed at longer lengths to combat over stretching. The performance provided by competition cannot be obtained with recreational springs.

Due to the design and material used to produce competition springs, they provide the highest possible bounce. The extensive length of the spring grants the jumper deeper penetration, which results in the jumper going higher in the air. Professionals recommend DR competition springs for jumpers who are most concerned with going higher in the air. These springs provide half the tension of a recreational trampoline spring, supporting deeper penetration.

Please note that competition springs are recommended for experienced jumpers only. Standard size for these types of springs is 10.25 inch.

Before you place the order for this, you need to make sure that you measured the length of the trampoline springs. The length includes the hook so when you are taking the measurement of the spring you need to make sure that you have included the full length including the hook. Replace over stretched or loose springs to make mat tense, in result to get the jump higher.

Trampoline springs can be separated into two main categories i.e. recreational and competition.

Recreational trampoline springs mainly used by families in their backyard and these springs comes in various sizes such as 10 inch, 9 inch, 8.25 inch, 8.5 inch, 8 inch, 7.5 inch, 7.25 inch, 7 inch, 6.5 inch, 6.25 inch, 5.5 inch, 4.375 inch, 4 inch and 3.3 inch.

Popular Performance Trampoline springs are Competition 10.25 inch GME and Competition 10.25 inch DR. These competitive types of springs usually made to be more bouncy especially for the Competition and events.

The main differences between recreation and competition are the quality of the material used, and the tension of the springs.

Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   How It's Possible to Get Started With Handstands   

A Robotics Gymnast Coach, Is It Feasible With Today's Technology?

While watching the 2012 Olympics in London on NBC I was wowed by the performance of the US and Chinese athletes in diving and gymnastics, along with the freeze frame shots of the dives, vaults, and floor exercises. It occurred to me that we could easily design a computerized robotic coach which would analyze, judge, and grade not only events, but also work as a coach in practice offering strategic advice to help the athletes better themselves, and I hate to say it, but the robotic system I am envisioning would be even better than the human eye, or a human coach. Let's talk.

You see, there was an interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal recently titled; "My Life as a Telecommuting Robot - Meet QB-82, A Skinny Robot With Bad Wi-Fi Problem, Testing the Boundaries of Remote Worker" by Rachel Emma Silverman published on August 8, 2012. Okay so, go to Google Images and search "QB-82 Robot" and then come back to this article if you will.

Now then, can you see how a robot like this could work autonomously, collecting video, analyzing the athletes in practice. All the video would be downloaded to the cloud for later review by the athlete. Once the athlete made perfect scores on various dives or gymnastics routines, let's say 10 in a row, then they'd be able to advance to the next set of tougher routines. The robotic system could play back in freeze frames, explaining to the athlete where they went wrong, based on position recognition, head angle, and how their feet, hands, and body were placed each step of the way.

Okay so, what if we had one of these robots in every single high school in the country, or every gymnast school, ballet school, diving school, and at specialty summer camps? We'd have an Olympic team which would sweep every event from figure skating to ski jumping, and from archery to pole vault. Why wouldn't we invest in this? We'd keep the computer scientists busy on worthy applied science projects, and help anyone and everyone who wanted to excel in their sport the tools they need to up the ante and take it up a few notches.

Imagine the USA winning all the gold medals even though our nation only has 325 million people to China's 1.4 billion citizens to choose from? I'd say that would make a huge statement for team USA. Let's make it happen! Indeed, I ask that you please consider all this and think on it.

Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   Performance Springs Are Widely Used For Competitions   How It's Possible to Get Started With Handstands   

How Social Networking For Business Can Build A Team Atmosphere

Social networking is the best tool for building a team atmosphere. The social networking systems were built to connect people together though the internet. If any business is looking to improve morale and team work in a business, then social networking should be the first place that they look. Social media was developed to do just what the business needs to help them build a tighter network of employees who are very effective at their jobs.

1. The Employees Do Not Have To Be In The Same Place

Even if a team is spread all over the world, the social systems can have them coordinated like a well oiled machine. Social networking systems are as fast as the internet connection. Communication between parties is very quick and therefore every team member can get what they need from each other without delay. This helps a business sale and perform at high rates of speed. This can be overwhelming for those businesses that still rely on phone calls and faxes to coordinate their "troops." The fact is that social networking may be faster than e-mail as well. This is because e-mail has to pass through servers before it lands in an inbox. However, a social networking post goes straight to a server where the target can pull down the information locally. This adds to the immense speed that social networking displays.

2. File Sharing Allows The Workers To Have Shared Experiences

Social networks developed for business purposes also allow file sharing. The ability to share files allows teams to be more effective when working on a project. No packages of USB flash drives or DVD's need to be set across the world. The employees can share files between each other using their internet connection. This action cuts down on time and money that should have been spent on another area of the business.

Not all of the interaction (or file sharing) has to be directly work related either. A business can send invites to different company functions in the form of fliers or video presentations. They can even be funny jokes of the day or funny videos from around the office developed to improve the morale of the workers. Shared experiences always bring humans together and file sharing can help these experiences happen more often.

3. The Communication Lines Are Always Open Between Manager And Employee

Communication with the boss or business owner is also only a few clicks away. This access to the leaders in the community help employees feel like they have a voice in the company and that the leaders are listening to what their workers have to say. This is a major plus for the morale of the company because most businesses have problems because their workers do not feel appreciated or heard. Social networking platforms can give them the voice that they seek.

Social networking is the best tool for generating a healthy relationship between managers and employees. It is also helpful for generating relationships between the employees themselves. A team that is friendly with each other is far more effect than those who do not make use of social media to keep their teams together and on the same page.

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Getting Into the Physical Body With Young Children

One of the greatest books I have found for introducing Science to a young child is the very simple Flip-the-Flap Body Book. This book gives you three areas of the human body to explore. You can select from any one of the book parts in order to explore the digestive system, the senses and the reproductive system. Each subject area is covered at a suitably basic level and is a platform for much laughter whilst answering some of those common anatomical questions.

The Digestive System

My boys found talking about their digestive system funny at first. I guess everyone has their own reasons why some discussions can make you giggle especially when it comes to gas trying to escape from either end of the system. The upside is that they can now also talk about it quite seriously without breaking into a giggle. This has enabled them to communicate very clearly not only the importance of food but has also been instrumental in developing their understand of a healthy mindset and developing a dietary approach that utilises nutritious food. It also helps significantly when they have a stomach ache!

The Senses

My children also had fun exploring their senses both through the book as well as using some games we played. There is nothing like being blindfolded and being asked what something is by taste, touch, sound or smell! This section has been great for expanding the vocabulary that my children use to extend 'this tastes good' to include descriptions of the taste as bitter, sour, salty or sweet as well as the texture being soft, creamy, mushy, hard, or crispy. It has complimented their skill development also in being able to describe leaves and plants in nature study, or animals that they have seen. The senses can open your children's eyes, ears, nose, mouth and hands to a whole world of exploration.

The Reproductive System

However, the best part for me at the time that we read it was having a book to explain the development of the latest addition to our family without stressing about giving too much information. The book explains very clearly the different physical responses mothers go through from morning sickness to fatigue. It also discusses the baby's development over the nine months and some of the things that they can expect once the baby arrives. It was a great chapter that was read over and over in the final weeks. As their expectation of the baby arriving grew so did their desire to read this chapter! The only issue we have not dealt with is the fact that there is a belief that sperm can be differentiated into 'boy sperm' and 'girl sperm' by their color - which you will understand when you buy the book!

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Why Animation Is So Popular

Animation in video production has changed the way we view things. Remember those black and white movies? They were boring, weren't they? No slow motion, no cool explosions, no realistic special effects... They had good drama you say? Moving on...

Animated videos have spread like wildfire within the big video production companies like Pixar or Disney, but also amongst the lower budget, independent movie makers. In fact, it is so common, people would be surprised to watch a movie without animation nowadays.

But why is animation so liked? What's so appealing about it?

It lets us see things we could usually never see. Animation helps in many aspects of video production. If you have an action film and you need a building exploding in the background, it's much easier to do it over After Effects.

But action films aren't the only candidate. Informational videos make effective use of animation, too. For example, an animated series teaching quantum physics is much easier to understand, as we can see the quantum particles without actually having to get a very big microscope, or we can check out stars and galaxies without having to go to an observatory. We are fascinated by these things, and animation makes it possible for us to enjoy them in an entertaining way.

It also gives filmmakers a creative edge. We can now look into the human body when a doctor performs surgery on someone, or we can watch the scene of a post apocalyptic world where zombies have wiped out everything. Watch a Tim Burton movie like Alice in Wonderland and you see the potential of animation being used and what kind of an experience it is.

We can be transported into a completely different world we would have never been able to create without animation. Star Wars is a classic example. Something like that will probably never happen, but we like to imagine it. And what better way to imagine than through a movie?

Vimeo is a site where you will find a lot of animation, just because it is a medium of its own and people have learned how to use it to perfection. Animation lets someone create a piece of video art exactly how they visualized it in a cheap, efficient manner. After Effects can be yours for a fraction of the cost of having to buy a good camera, hiring actors and building the set to realize that dream you had.

Animation has changed the video genre massively. We are always looking for ways to visualize things in a way that is new, unheard of, and fun. And this is a very easy way for anyone (with some training) to chip in. People can do whatever they want, and that is the ultimate goal with animation. Do whatever you want.

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Basic Considerations To Get Lower Long Term Care Insurance Rates

Buying one's long term care insurance policy is indeed one of the most important and most beneficial personal investments that they can reward themselves after all the years of hard work and perseverance. Through their insurance plans, they can assure themselves, as well as their loved ones, that they will receive and get all the LTC services that they would need.

Aside from the government and insurance companies, some private sectors are now also very eager to campaign and disseminate helpful information regarding the important role of LTC insurance plans in everyone's life. As a way to promote this type of life insurance, they create programs such as information drives and educational campaigns to further inform, educate, and convince the public to go get their own LTC policies.

One of the many details that insurance industry authorities, experts, and believers enthusiastically inform the public about is the different possibilities or ways wherein they can save money off the costly monthly premiums that LTC plans generally offer.

The high-priced premiums are often one of the many reasons why some local residents do not immediately buy their own LTC plan. Apart from the doubt that they would ever need one because they still have good and stable health condition, they find the LTC rates quite high and hard to afford especially if they just earn enough amount of money to compensate for their everyday needs.

Some of the ways of getting cheaper long term care insurance policies is to know ahead of time the different rates and LTC costs that the LTC facilities in their preferred location offer. This should be clear to the interested person because LTC costs vary by state and by location. Some areas may be more expensive than the others in the country but the public is ensured that the services and facilities that they provide are all of best quality.

Furthermore, the length or number of days of their elimination period and benefit coverage period also affect the amount of their potential LTC insurance plan. In terms of the benefit coverage period, some specialists and elder care experts suggest that an individual consider having three to five years benefit coverage period, the average stay of an individual in a nursing home facility.

Having shorter coverage period of the policy may mean cheaper rates and premiums for the insured person. But if his health condition calls for longer number of days, he must not sacrifice his health and medical requirements and must avail longer benefit coverage period.

The elimination period, also known as the waiting period of an LTC plan, refers to the days when the policyholder would pay the services that he has used before he can expect his insurance company to pay for his policy benefits. Those who have shorter waiting period might be given lower premiums but they must make sure that they can compensate and pay for their LTC needs without compromising the other things that they have to deal with.

Surely, long term care insurance policies are complicated and require a lot of time and understanding before one can fully comprehend its technicalities. But nonetheless, the different sectors that continue to campaign and promote the significance of LTC policies help the public a lot in acquiring pertinent information and details that can make it easier for them to decide regarding their possible policy purchase.

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Why In Floor Heating Should Be Preferred To Forced Air Systems

Most experienced individuals and families like to take stock of all available options when it comes to investing in their homes. One of the most crucial aspects of a home is heating system. Therefore, as is natural, this results in a strung out discussion in a family on which type of system they should have in their home. Such debates usually boil down to two systems i.e. the hydronic floor heating system and the forced air heating. If you talk to experts, you will be told that the former is better than the latter. The following are some reasons why experts make this recommendation.

Hydronic Floor Heating Is Cleaner

A forced air heating system operates on creating air circulation within the premises where it forces through heated air to different parts of the home or office. The problem with this is that the air being pushed could carry with it various things such as pollen, microorganisms, dust and even pet dander. In contrast, under floor hydronic heating systems do not use air flow and, hence, tend to be cleaner.

Floor Heating Turns Out To Be Healthier

The fact that forced air heating systems use air circulation can also mean that they can cause health problems. In fact, even if the dust, pollen, pet dander and microorganisms do not cause health problems, then the fact that heated air tends to be low on moisture can also turn out to be a cause for health problems. This is not the case with under this because the air in the premises remains natural and not low on moisture content.

Heating From Hydronic Systems Tends To Be More Uniform

Under floor heating is considered to be more effective because it heats every corner of the room equally. There is no localization of heat source which results in one part of a room being cooler while another part is hotter. This is fairly common with forced air heating because they rely on vents for circulation of air.

Therefore, if the room is large in size then the region where the vent is would be hotter while other corners of the room will be cooler. Uniform heating from hydronic heating systems leads to people being more comfortable as well.

Hydronic Systems Tend To Be More Energy Efficient

According to various researches, the use of in floor heating systems means that the users can keep the thermostat around six to eight degrees lower than what they would keep the thermostat at with forced air heating.

The reason for this is that heating through hydronic heating systems is more uniform, which keeps people more comfortable for a longer period of time. This means that hydronic heating are more energy efficient than their counterparts.

Long Term Expenses Are Lower With Hydronic Under Floor Heating

Finally, it is also important to consider the financial side of things between a hydronic heating system and a forced air heating. While it is true that the initial setup costs of hydronic systems is more, in the long run they end up saving the owner a considerable amount of money.

The reason for this, as mentioned above, is that hydronic heating systems are more energy efficient. Moreover, another reason is that hydronic systems do not require as much maintenance as forced air systems do.

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Steps To Do Keyword Research

Keyword Research precedes Website creation and, of course, the start of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) job for a site. Understanding of how to do keyword research or how to start keyword research job is primary necessity for one who intends to brainstorm the complex process. Here are 5 steps that can deliver effective solutions to the process.

Step One:

Identify Your Landing Pages:

Landing pages are usually your Home Page or Doorway Page, and can be some specific internal pages too. They can even be the types of internal pages like general categories, sub-categories, and product pages.

Step Two:

Do Rough Keyword Research:

Once the landing pages and their specific subjects or topics are identified, distinguished and fixed, the next step will be brainstorming. Come up with a short-list of keywords for each page or page type. Just rely on your common sense, and try to imagine how a real customer might look for your products. Try to prepare a list accordingly.

Step Three:

Check Keyword Popularity:

Copy and paste the keywords from your Keyword List in the Google Keyword Tool (GKT). GKT is the most powerful, reliable and important tool in the whole process of keyword research.

(i) It will help estimate the average number of searches for all keywords from the first list and help to find out new keywords.

(ii) Once you have measured the search volume, low-volume keywords have to be cast out.

(iii) Add all keywords hinted by GKT to the list.

(iv) Prepare second list of keywords, and move on.

Step Four:

Do Competitor Analysis:

However, it is the most difficult step. Now you need to expand the list by adding other good keywords and removing the most competitive ones. The main tasks during competitive research and analysis involve as follows:

(i) Discover strong sites and your direct competitors. The first task, namely discovering strong sites and strong direct competitors, is simple. Just "Google" or browse the web to short-list the best keywords from the Second Keyword List and distinguish 3 to 5 (rarely more) strong competitors using data provided by SEO Quake Firefox extension.

(ii) Evaluate your competition for the specific keywords and throw out the most competitive ones, which might not be effective not in terms of ROI (return on investment). This second issue is solved by scanning Google SERPs for particular keywords. Set aside a keyword when old and powerful sites wield influence over them in Top-20 pages.

(iii) Discover good keywords that you have not included in the keyword list yet. The third task is the simplest one. Look for new keywords by following the below-stated ways:

(a) Look through the Meta-Titles and Landing pages of most powerful competitors. There must always be something useful there.

(b) Download the lists of organic and AdWords keywords of your competitors from SEM Rush site.

(c) Scan the anchors of links obtained by Yahoo or program CS Yazzie.

(iv) Prepare the third Keyword List.

Important: SEO Quake summarizes the information from the following services: Compete site (lets you know the amount of traffic), Alexa site (lets you know the amount of traffic), Google site (lets you know the number of pages in the index), Yahoo site (lets you know the number of links to a site), and Domain Tools site (lets you know domain information), etc.

Step Five:

Finalize The List:

Check out the third keyword list once again with Google Keyword Tool (GKT) to cast out the keywords with Low Search Volume (LSV), and again check out them in Google SERPs with turning SEO Quake extension on to see the level of competition; Scan and evaluate their quantity to ensure they are not too numerous. And now start preparing the fourth and final keyword list.

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Receiving a Summons: How to Answer a Summons for Debt Properly

No matter how you look at it, receiving a summons for unpaid credit card debt is depressing and nerve wracking at the same time. However, to avoid things from going out of hand, it is important to learn how to answer to a summons for debt the right way otherwise, the situation can go from bad to worse quickly. This article serves as a guide on how to a answer to a summons for debt.

It all start with checking the Court Rules as well as the documents attached with the summons. You need to see if the Plaintiff (your credit card company's attorney) attached a Credit Card Agreement or any assignments you need to complete in order to proceed with drafting an Answer to all allegations. Does the plaintiff have to attach the agreement come with the Summons? Check the court rules to be on the safe side.

Check to see if the Court Rules address the lack of a signed agreement attached with the summons, if there is none, see if you can file a Motion to Dismiss in lieu of your Answer. The Motion to Dismiss would contain your plaintiff's failure to comply with Court Rules requiring a contract or Assignment attached with the Summons.

On the other hand, if the local court does not have rules regarding the attachment of the signed contract, you need to read the Summons itself. The summons will indicate how many days you are given to respond to the complaint via your Answer. Failure to respond to the summons on time will result in default judgment awarded to your creditor.

Most states require debtors a full 20 days to respond to a Summons but some go as long as 30 days. Next, check your Court Rules under "Pleadings" to check how much time is given to respond to a summons in your state. If you failed to answer within the given timeframe, your creditor will be given legal rights to freeze your bank account and garnish your wages.

If the plaintiff did not comply with any of the Court Rule in your area, like failure to attach the credit card contract or agreement together with the complaints, you may file a Motion to Dismiss or file an Answer as soon as possible.

Fighting the lawsuit starts with getting as much information as you can about court proceedings and what steps should be taken once your creditor is on the move.

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Setting Career Goals

In a difficult economy it is harder to reach your career goals. Less job availability makes moving up the corporate ladder a slow, strenuous climb. Concentrating on career goals becomes secondary when scrambling for a job - any job. However, when you are looking for work, keeping focused on your objective is paramount.

Successful people are goal oriented. Career goals are milestones or objectives set to help you evaluate your professional progress. They are effective for people looking for a job and those pursuing advancement. Why? You have to know where you plan to go in order to get there. Career goals serve as a working outline to keep you on your personal path to success.

There are basic goals to concentrate on when setting your plan. The first is increasing your skill set. To stay competitive, you have to continually enhance your knowledge. Another overall goal is monetary gain. Being underpaid can make you bitter and decrease performance. Of course, money is always a deciding factor, but let's not forget an even more important consideration. You should feel happy about what you do eight hours a day. Then, next to satisfaction, there is the search for stability. Once you are ably to attain a stable position it is easier to concentrate on personal development.

Break these basic career goals into bite sized pieces to set specific goals. Write down concrete ambitions and refer back to them. Here are some examples of specific goals:

• Switch companies

• Earn a promotion

• Create personal standards at work like never skipping lunch.

• Learn to communicate more clearly

• Feel more upbeat at work.

• Develop positive work friendships.

• Join management ranks.

• Acquire a new skill.

• Pursue a certain award

• Better organize daily goals.

• Clean and organize your desk.

• Become an entrepreneur.

• Select a mentor or become one yourself.

• Make yourself known as an expert in your field.

• Start under promising and over delivering.

• Make a personal connection with clients.

• Be more creative.

• Gain more referrals

• Avoid procrastination to reduce stress.

• Become a collaborator instead of an instigator with coworkers.

• Update your filing system

• Don't overwork yourself

• Work around people I like.

• Read a self-improvement book.

• Request a raise for x amount per year

• Apply for a career development grant.

• Update your cover letter and resume.

• Send out x resumes.

• Shadow someone in a job you want to learn more about.

• Request additional responsibility.

• Sit for an aptitude test.

There are just a few examples. Depending on your situation, choose short and long term tasks that will help you fulfill your career goals. Don't write the list and then file it away. It will not do you any good in the bottom of a drawer.

You must work towards the steps and evaluate your progress at least yearly. When you hit a goal check it off your list. Crossing something off the list gives a great sense of accomplishment and momentum toward future goals. The list is also very helpful before a performance review. It will give you a record of your achievements for the year. Use this information to negotiate a better position or a higher salary. When looking for a job, keep your list handy to keep your career goals in mind.

If you're joining the work force, under employed, attempting a career change career goals will guide you to the next step. Have a plan, don't plan to fail. You will be amazed how much your professional satisfaction can change, one check mark at a time.

Setting Career Goals   

Setting Career Goals

In a difficult economy it is harder to reach your career goals. Less job availability makes moving up the corporate ladder a slow, strenuous climb. Concentrating on career goals becomes secondary when scrambling for a job - any job. However, when you are looking for work, keeping focused on your objective is paramount.

Successful people are goal oriented. Career goals are milestones or objectives set to help you evaluate your professional progress. They are effective for people looking for a job and those pursuing advancement. Why? You have to know where you plan to go in order to get there. Career goals serve as a working outline to keep you on your personal path to success.

There are basic goals to concentrate on when setting your plan. The first is increasing your skill set. To stay competitive, you have to continually enhance your knowledge. Another overall goal is monetary gain. Being underpaid can make you bitter and decrease performance. Of course, money is always a deciding factor, but let's not forget an even more important consideration. You should feel happy about what you do eight hours a day. Then, next to satisfaction, there is the search for stability. Once you are ably to attain a stable position it is easier to concentrate on personal development.

Break these basic career goals into bite sized pieces to set specific goals. Write down concrete ambitions and refer back to them. Here are some examples of specific goals:

• Switch companies

• Earn a promotion

• Create personal standards at work like never skipping lunch.

• Learn to communicate more clearly

• Feel more upbeat at work.

• Develop positive work friendships.

• Join management ranks.

• Acquire a new skill.

• Pursue a certain award

• Better organize daily goals.

• Clean and organize your desk.

• Become an entrepreneur.

• Select a mentor or become one yourself.

• Make yourself known as an expert in your field.

• Start under promising and over delivering.

• Make a personal connection with clients.

• Be more creative.

• Gain more referrals

• Avoid procrastination to reduce stress.

• Become a collaborator instead of an instigator with coworkers.

• Update your filing system

• Don't overwork yourself

• Work around people I like.

• Read a self-improvement book.

• Request a raise for x amount per year

• Apply for a career development grant.

• Update your cover letter and resume.

• Send out x resumes.

• Shadow someone in a job you want to learn more about.

• Request additional responsibility.

• Sit for an aptitude test.

There are just a few examples. Depending on your situation, choose short and long term tasks that will help you fulfill your career goals. Don't write the list and then file it away. It will not do you any good in the bottom of a drawer.

You must work towards the steps and evaluate your progress at least yearly. When you hit a goal check it off your list. Crossing something off the list gives a great sense of accomplishment and momentum toward future goals. The list is also very helpful before a performance review. It will give you a record of your achievements for the year. Use this information to negotiate a better position or a higher salary. When looking for a job, keep your list handy to keep your career goals in mind.

If you're joining the work force, under employed, attempting a career change career goals will guide you to the next step. Have a plan, don't plan to fail. You will be amazed how much your professional satisfaction can change, one check mark at a time.

Setting Career Goals   

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